Friday February 14th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘business’

Faith in Your Business

Faith in Your Business

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, March 10th, with our Featured Guest: Charles Eapen, President & CEO of the C-12 Group, Northern New Jersey. Charles Eapen - Chuck comes to his role as C12’s Northern New Jersey Area Chair with over 20 years of experience that integrates his faith and his profession. After completing his engineering studies in Long Island NY, he moved to San Diego CA. In the midst of his early career, Chuck and his wife, Betty, encountered the person of Jesus [...]

Ask Tandem – Wisdom for Future Business Owners

David Hernandez is barely 30 and is an established funeral director and business owner.  Glen Dalakian has developed and owned several businesses throughout his career.  They share their wisdom about starting a successful business with Ask Tandem! The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young professional from the experience and insights of our special guests, as well as Tandem Radio host, Glen [...]

The Business Side of Church Planting

The Business Side of Church Planting

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, October 29th with our Featured Guests: Pastor George Russ, Executive Director for the New York Metropolitan Baptist Association and Lead Church Planter Catalyst with the North American Mission Board's Send NYC team Pastor George Russ -  Pastor George Russ has been a pastor for 33 years. He is a pastor, author, husband, and father doing everything that he loves. Pastor George is currently the executive director for the Metropolitan New York Baptist [...]

Reinvent Yourself for Business

Reinvent Yourself for Business

Our Featured Guest will be...Deborah Weiss Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, October 15th with our Featured Guest: Deborah Weiss, Keller Williams Deborah graduated from Monmouth University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management.  In 2005, Deborah obtained her Real Estate license and began purchasing homes for renovation and resale.  In 2008, she began focusing on Short Sales, due to the recent changes in market conditions.  In June 2010, Deborah obtained her Brokers [...]

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