Friday February 14th 2025

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‘Small Business and Government’ Archives

“Business vs Government”– Jordan B. Rickards on Tandem Radio

“Business vs Government”– Jordan B. Rickards on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, June 15th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Jordan B. Rickards, Attorney This week on Tandem Radio, Jordan B. Rickards discusses government and how it plays a part in his business and business in general.  He delves into the good, the bad and the ugly side of government as it pertains to business. Jordan also talks about faith in government. Jordan B. Rickards -Attorney Jordan B. Rickards has been practicing law for over eight years, and has [...]

Improving Your Portfolio

Improving Your Portfolio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, September 24th with our Featured Guest: Thomas D'Auria of Tandem Wealth Advisors   For the full show, click here for Part 1 and click here for Part 2. Tom shared many insights on faith and the financial world. One was the principles he uses to guide his practice, based on LIGHT. Here they are: Loyalty Integrity Godliness Honesty Trust For more about Tom and Tandem Wealth Advisors, visit Tom has over 25 years of [...]

Abuse that Impacts Business

Abuse that Impacts Business

"Abuse that Impacts Business" Join Your Host, Glen Dalakian, on Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM and Online this Saturday, August 13th at 11:00 AM! Our Featured Guest will be...Mary Pat Angelini Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, of Ocean Township, represents the 11th Legislative District. Assemblywoman Angelini sits on the Assembly Health and Senior Services Committee and the Assembly Human Services Committee She is also the Executive Director of Prevention First, since 1992, and is a [...]

A Fresh Approach to Business

A Fresh Approach to Business

Tandem Radio on The Bridge FM, July 16th with our featured guests... John Curley - Freeholder John Curley currently serving his second year in office. He is currently a trustee of the Christian Brothers Academy Alumni Association and a former trustee of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Central Jersey Chapter. Scripture Romans 13 6-7 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe [...]

The Business of Community

The Business of Community

Tandem Radio, March 26th, 2011 With special guest " Mrs. NJ" Claire Pavlinec " Mrs. NJ" Claire Pavlinec is the current reigning Mrs. NJ United States.  She is also the founder/director of "Maternal Wings", a nonprofit organization that helps to provide impoverished new & expectant mothers with the necessities for childcare.  Claire is also a stay at home mother of two while working on her Masters Degree in Education with a certification in Special [...]

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