Thursday January 16th 2025

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‘Travel’ Archives

“Talking Travel” – Tammy Dascoli on Tandem Radio

“Talking Travel” – Tammy Dascoli on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, January 5th with our Featured Guest: Tammy Dascoli, Owner of Glorious Getaways. This week on Tandem Radio, Tammy Dascoli of Glorious Getaways and Glen focus on the in's and out's of travel, as well as what you need to know when you travel. Tammy Dascoli - Tammy’s love of travel began 30 years ago when she honeymooned in Acapulco. Since then travel has been an important part of her life. In 2006 she decided to combine her event planning experience [...]

Practical Advice on Changing Careers

Practical Advice on Changing Careers

There is a growing number of professionals who change their career numerous times. What are some things they should consider? How should they handle job opportunities? We discuss with business expert, Richard Brandt of the Iacocca Institute at Lehigh, along with business owner, Glen Dalakian, on Ask Tandem. The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young professional from the experience and insights of [...]

How Do You Prepare For a Career in Global Business?

How Do You Prepare For a Career in Global Business?

Our economy continues its growth in an international marketplace. How can you best prepare for a career in the global economy? We talk to international business expert, Richard Brandt, and business leader, Glen Dalakian, on Ask Tandem. The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young professional from the experience and insights of our special guests, as well as Tandem Radio host, Glen Dalakian. If you'd [...]

Better Ways to Travel for Business and Pleasure

Better Ways to Travel for Business and Pleasure

Tandem Radio, December 11th 2010 With special guest Ted Friedli owner of Excel Travel, a local leading full service travel agency. Ted grew up in Switzerland, the son of an airline employee, which meant great benefits. Living walking distance to the Zurich airport, his parents never owned a car, but would take the kids to the airport and hop on planes to visit foreign countries instead. So, his love for travel got an early start, and Ted began his career with Swiss Airlines in [...]