Thursday January 16th 2025

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‘Young Entrepreneurs’ Archives

“A Colorful Business”- Joseph Mosca on Tandem Radio

“A Colorful Business”- Joseph Mosca on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, April 13th with our Featured Guest: Joseph Mosca of Color Concepts This week on Tandem Radio, Joseph Mosca, of Color Concepts, talks about his faith, his business and what it takes to accomplish his goal of customer satisfaction with his commercial and residential painting projects. Joseph Mosca-Joseph Mosca of Color Concepts has been committed to providing quality workmanship at every phase of commercial and residential painting. From enhancing [...]

“Be a Blessing to Your Boss” – Mark Griffin on “Ask Tandem”

“Be a Blessing to Your Boss” – Mark Griffin on “Ask Tandem”

Many people complain about their boss or see them as an adversary. Let's flip that. As Christians, how can we be a blessing to our boss and support them in their calling?  Mark Griffin of In His Name HR and Glen Dalakian of Tandem Radio weigh in from their business experience with Cooper Ford on Ask Tandem. If you'd like to submit a question or comment, please email Cooper at

How Can Christians Prepare to be Future Leaders?

How Can Christians Prepare to be Future Leaders?

There are many Christians who are leaders in the marketplace. For young professionals who have that call, what can they do to best prepare and lay a solid foundation? We discuss with Charles Eapen of C12 Group, Northern New Jersey, and Glen Dalakian, Host of Tandem Radio. The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young professional from the experience and insights of our special guests, as well as Tandem [...]

How Do You Set Yourself Apart?

How Do You Set Yourself Apart?

There's a lot of competition out there for jobs. With so many people applying, how do you set yourself apart? What should you do on a resume or in an interview? We discuss on Ask Tandem with Richard Brandt of the Iacocca Institute and business expert, Glen Dalakian. The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young professional from the experience and insights of our special guests, as well as Tandem Radio [...]

Practical Advice on Changing Careers

Practical Advice on Changing Careers

There is a growing number of professionals who change their career numerous times. What are some things they should consider? How should they handle job opportunities? We discuss with business expert, Richard Brandt of the Iacocca Institute at Lehigh, along with business owner, Glen Dalakian, on Ask Tandem. The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young professional from the experience and insights of [...]

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