‘By Design’ Archives
By Design – “Stress – Dealing w/ Hurricane Sandy”

In this special edition of By Design, health expert Dr. James Proodian focuses on stress associated with natural disasters, such as Hurricane Sandy, and ways to manage it. Here's some of what he'll be covering: - What is stress and anxiety? - How to control our reactions to events beyond our control. - What we can learn from events like natural disasters and God’s plan he built in us - What we can do each day to temper the effects of stress - Community, Church, and Family is what [...]
TWO New Programs on Tandem Radio!
Tandem Radio Announces Two New Programs Focused on Health and Finance. This Fall, Tandem Radio is expanding its programming to focus on two relevant topics for every person - health and finance. At 10:30 AM on Discovering Responsible Wealth, financial expert Frank Congilose of the Institute of Responsible Wealth will focus on our finances, helping us to manage well all that we've been given to live the life to which we're called. Then, at 10:45 AM, Dr. James Proodian of Proodian [...]