Thursday January 16th 2025

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‘Technology’ Archives

Technology in Worship: What Role Should it Play?

Technology in Worship: What Role Should it Play?

Many churches are using technology in significant ways during their worship services, while others have resisted. What role should it play? Is it helpful or a distraction from the main message?  The discussion begins on Ask Tandem. If you'd like to submit a question or comment, please email Cooper at

Experience: A Powerful Teacher

Experience: A Powerful Teacher

Tandem Radio, May 14th, 2011 With special guests John Kalli - Owner & CEO of Trinity Worldwide. He has more than twenty-five years of experience in managing technology companies! John Kalli-Chief Executive Officer More than twenty-five years of managing technology companies have given John Kalli a deep and broad understanding of how business works and how technology can help foster, sustain, and manage growth. He has run companies and organizations ranging from $3 Million to $300 [...]

Jeremy Skillings You Can Be Found

Tandem Radio, July 31 2010 Jeremy Skillngs of You Can Be Found joined us for part two of the Technology and Innovation show.  An expert at Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Jeremy shares tips on how to be found on the internet.  Peter explains how he came kicking and screaming into the technology age and how technology has become a necessary tool used in business today. Jeneen Yodakis Founder of called in from Colts Neck New Jersey to talk about key words for [...]

Tandem Radio on Technology: You Can Be Found

The Tandem Radio team is excited to bring you first of many broadcasts to help guide individuals and Entrepreneurs in may aspects of business development.  During our broadcast Jeremy Skillings of You Can Be Found joined us in a conversation on Technology and best practices to help you be found on the internet. This and other broadcasts will be fully available on our Archive page in the coming weeks so check back often. Have comments or would like to contribute to the conversation please [...]