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‘Business Plans’ Archives

“God’s Leading In Business”– Philip J. Clements on Tandem Radio

“God’s Leading In Business”– Philip J. Clements on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 13th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Philip J. Clements This week on Tandem Radio, Philip J. Clements talks about his corporate environment and God and where it all lead him to today. Phil discusses how God made choices easy for him and protected him. He speaks about Faith in business and the erosion of the work ethic. He puts the question out, How does our Faith, or lack of, affect our country's culture and thereby our country's [...]

“Culture and Collaboration” – Dr. Mark Avery on Tandem Radio

“Culture and Collaboration” – Dr. Mark Avery on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, October 13th with our Featured Guest: Dr. Mark Avery, Business & Non-Profit Consultant How can companies and organizations work together to solve problems greater than themselves?  How can understanding other cultures open new opportunities?  Glen explores the new frontier of organizational collaboration, as well as cross-cultural engagement, with expert, Dr. Mark Avery. Dr. Mark Avery - Mark J. Avery was born in Europe, raised in North America, [...]

“When Business and Faith Collyde” – Jinu Thomas of Collyde on Tandem Radio

“When Business and Faith Collyde” – Jinu Thomas of Collyde on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, September 8th at 11AM, with our Featured Guest: Jinu Thomas, Founder/CEO of Collyde. Everyone has a calling in their life.  How do we find and fulfill it?  Glen Dalakian and Jinu Thomas discuss these principles and how Jinu applied them in his journey with Collyde. Jinu Thomas - Jinu Thomas is the Founder/Chief Executive Officer of a Christ-centered Non-Profit Organization called Collyde, who's vision is to inspire, equip and support you to [...]

“Professional Employer Organizations” – Codi Gill on Tandem Radio

“Professional Employer Organizations” – Codi Gill on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 7th with our Featured Guest: Codi Gill of TriNet. Codi Napolitano Gill is a Regional Sales Consultant with TriNet, a National PEO. She helps CEO's, CFO's, COO's and Entrepreneurs contain HR costs, reduce their companies administrative burden, and minimize employer related risks. High Tech-High Touch solutions produce measurable results and enable clients to attract and retain top performers while focusing on their core business. ATTENTION [...]

“Teaching Small Business” on Tandem Radio

“Teaching Small Business” on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, June 23rd with our Featured Guests: James McCarthy of Brookdale Community College and Jackeline Mejias-Fuertes of the Monmouth-Ocean Small Business Development Center. James McCarthy is the Director of Business Training for Brookdale Community College. He works with small businesses to enhance productivity through the development of their current and future workforce. Jackeline Mejias-Fuertes is the Assistant Director of the Monmouth Ocean Small [...]

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