Thursday January 16th 2025

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‘Ethics’ Archives

“God’s Leading In Business”– Philip J. Clements on Tandem Radio

“God’s Leading In Business”– Philip J. Clements on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 13th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Philip J. Clements This week on Tandem Radio, Philip J. Clements talks about his corporate environment and God and where it all lead him to today. Phil discusses how God made choices easy for him and protected him. He speaks about Faith in business and the erosion of the work ethic. He puts the question out, How does our Faith, or lack of, affect our country's culture and thereby our country's [...]

“Mechanical Technology”- Steve Lang on Tandem Radio

“Mechanical Technology”- Steve Lang on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, March 23rd with our Featured Guest: Steve Lang, Automotive Aftermarket Sales Representative This week on Tandem Radio, Steve talks about the path that led him into the automotive business for 45 years, his extensive knowledge of the business and his principles that guide him to make ethical decisions.  While opportunity plays a part in Steve's story, it's more about the dedication to the investment of hard work that brings him [...]

“Industry Stereotypes” – Greg Webb of Ray Catena Lexus

“Industry Stereotypes” – Greg Webb of Ray Catena Lexus

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 28st, with our Featured Guest: Greg Webb of Ray Catena Lexus. "You can't trust a used car salesman" ...or can you? Greg Webb, a consistent top producer with Ray Catena Lexus, challenges some of the stereotypes and discusses the importance of finding professionals you can really trust. Join Glen for a provacative discussion on "Industry Stereotypes" on Tandem Radio. Greg Webb - Greg has been with Ray Catena Lexus since the beginning in 1992. He [...]

“People: Treat Them Right” – Mark Griffin on Tandem Radio

“People: Treat Them Right” – Mark Griffin on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, May 5th with our Featured Guest: Mark Griffin, In His Name HR Mark Griffin - Mark Griffin, of In His Name HR. In His Name HR provides human resource consulting for small- and medium-sized organizations. Mark has served in the US Air Force, has extensive educational credentials, including a BA in HR, an MBA and several Executive Education certifications from the University of Michigan. In addition to serving as VP of Human Resources for an [...]

The Ethics of Video – Robert Bucci on “Ask Tandem”

The Ethics of Video – Robert Bucci on “Ask Tandem”

In the recent tragedy surrounding Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, video played a large role in the whole situation and the court case that followed. Are there particular ethics we should consider with video? What are some good guidelines?  We explore with video expert, Robert Bucci of New Response Marketing, along with radio host, Glen Dalakian. The goal of Ask Tandem is to help guide young professionals in the real world. Each week on Ask Tandem, we answer a question from a young [...]