Thursday January 16th 2025

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Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, March 10th, with our Featured Guest: Charles Eapen, President & CEO of the C-12 Group, Northern New Jersey.

Charles Eapen Chuck comes to his role as C12’s Northern New Jersey Area Chair with over 20 years of experience that integrates his faith and his profession. After completing his engineering studies in Long Island NY, he moved to San Diego CA. In the midst of his early career, Chuck and his wife, Betty, encountered the person of Jesus Christ through the work of International Discipleship Ministries Inc. He served IDM as its Executive Director and taught others about Jesus in corporate and church settings while pursuing his corporate interests.

Chuck began his corporate career with a fledgling start-up. As the company grew, he rose the corporate ladder refining his skills in sales, marketing and operations, he found opportunities to share his faith in Christ with his co-workers and saw his managers and colleagues come to Christ. He eventually became the company’s COO and general manager. Over the years, Chuck experienced the booms and busts of the telecom sector and worked with Fortune companies including Motorola, Siemens, Ericsson and many others in the highly competitive world of telecom component sales & manufacturing. In time, the Lord brought yet another start-up opportunity to Chuck and he entered the telecom equipment sector. Here, he honed his skills at managing people and programs across international markets with CLECs, ISPs and various cellular/data operators across the Asia-Pacific Rim. He became the company’s president and served as a mentor to a number of individuals who enjoy success today. But the Lord had even more in store! Eventually, the Lord led Chuck and his family back to the east coast to begin his own start-up and to be with their extended family while pursuing graduate theological studies.

Chuck and Betty have been married 19 years and have a homeschooled son, Zachariah, and make their home in Bergen County. Chuck is an alumnus of SUNY Stony Brook and Alliance Theological Seminary (Nyack College) where he received his BE and MA degrees, respectively. Chuck has a heart to see others grow in their walk with Jesus Christ through active discipleship and mentoring in the marketplace.

Find out more about Charles Eapen and the C12 Group, Northern New Jersey at .


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