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Posts Tagged ‘Faith’

“Memory Development”–Matthew Goerke on Tandem Radio

“Memory Development”–Matthew Goerke on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, August 10th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Matthew Goerke, Memory Master This week on Tandem Radio, Matthew Goerke talks about the ways in which to use the skills and the tools we have to develop a super power memory. He enlightens us to the fact that it is normal to forget (especially names) and that there are ways to help us remember.  Matthew discusses the program that he developed to help people turn their memories from [...]

“Fitness and Discipline”–Victor A. Lashley on Tandem Radio

“Fitness and Discipline”–Victor A. Lashley on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, August 3rd at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guests: Victor and Stephanie Lashley of ICAT Triple Threat Training Center This week on Tandem Radio, Victor and Stephanie Lashley talk about their business, working together and their faith in God. They discuss Ringside Rescue, a nonprofit based in Ocean Township, NJ, that helps turn young adults with no hope into productive adults with a bright future and, through the gym, provides a place they [...]

“A Special Business” — Karen Umstead on Tandem Radio

“A Special Business” — Karen Umstead on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 27th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Karen Umstead, Behavior Analyst This week on Tandem Radio, Karen Umstead talks about her profession and her passion for helping those with autism.  She discusses Beautiful Minds of Princeton and provides insight on her experience of working with students with autism disorders.  Karen reminds us that she gets her courage, strength and guidance from God.  A very inspiring segment.   Karen [...]

“A Guide To Business”– Julie M. Harris on Tandem Radio

“A Guide To Business”– Julie M. Harris on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 20th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Julie M. Harris, Publisher of The Shepherds Guide This week on Tandem Radio, Julie M. Harris talks about her Faith, her profession with The Shepherd's Guide and working with fellow Christians every day. She shares how much it is a privilege to work with the Lord. Julie M. Harris -Julie is excited to be the new publisher of the Metro New Jersey Shepherd’s Guide, it is truly an answer to prayer. [...]

“God’s Leading In Business”– Philip J. Clements on Tandem Radio

“God’s Leading In Business”– Philip J. Clements on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 13th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Philip J. Clements This week on Tandem Radio, Philip J. Clements talks about his corporate environment and God and where it all lead him to today. Phil discusses how God made choices easy for him and protected him. He speaks about Faith in business and the erosion of the work ethic. He puts the question out, How does our Faith, or lack of, affect our country's culture and thereby our country's [...]

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