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“Memory Development”–Matthew Goerke on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, August 10th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Matthew Goerke, Memory Master

This week on Tandem Radio, Matthew Goerke talks about the ways in which to use the skills and the tools we have to develop a super power memory. He enlightens us to the fact that it is normal to forget (especially names) and that there are ways to help us remember.  Matthew discusses the program that he developed to help people turn their memories from liabilities into assets.

IMG_1281 copyMatthew Goerke–  Matthew Goerke is regarded as one of America’s leading experts in the field of Memory Development. He has shared with thousands of business professionals from all walks of life the techniques for developing an instant recall memory with results that can only be described as amazing. Matthew has worked with such well know speakers as ZigZigler, Ed Forman, Vic Conant and Tony Robbins. He has trained executives from corporations including AT&T, Prudential, Exxon, Wells Fargo, Merck Pharmaceutical and Coldwell Banker, and government agencies such as the United States Postal Service and the Defense Department. Matthew has also had a tremendous impact in educational settings, having personally trained thousands of students and teachers at all academic levels. Matthew is the developer of the “Memory Switch Program” the most utilized program of its kind ever developed and for that reason is a sought after guest and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television talk shows.  His live workshop entitled “The Memory Switch” will instruct people in the new advances in memory technology as well as help them gain insight into how these methods are in direct alignment with helping people achieve both business and personal goals. “There is no such thing as a bad memory just an untrained one.”

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