Friday February 14th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘business’

“Getting Non-Performers Off The Bus” – Week 10, Building a Kingdom Minded Company

“Getting Non-Performers Off The Bus” – Week 10, Building a Kingdom Minded Company

Building a Kingdom Minded Company with Mark Griffin Week 10 - Getting Non-Performers Off The Bus Not everyone will meet your expectations.  What do you do then?  How do you transition them out of a position that isn't a good fit?  Tune in to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, as he digs deep and dialogues with host Dee Kovach on, “What is a “Kingdom Minded” company?" Let Mark inspire you to be bold in your faith as you learn to navigate the complexities of faith in the [...]

“Prescriptions for Life” – Brian Conerty on Tandem Radio

“Prescriptions for Life” – Brian Conerty on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 14th with our Featured Guest: Brian Conerty of Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center. Brian Conerty is a Staff Pharmacist at Robert Wood Johnson Medical Center. One of the nation's leading academic medical centers, Robert Wood Johnson provides state-of-the-art care across the full range of health care services. ATTENTION IPHONE, ANDROID AND BLACKBERRY USERS! Did you know that you can now listen to The Bridge FM anywhere at anytime? For [...]

“Helping Employees Meet Their Potential” (Week 9) – Building a Kingdom Minded Company

“Helping Employees Meet Their Potential” (Week 9) – Building a Kingdom Minded Company

Building a Kingdom Minded Company with Mark Griffin Week 9 - Helping Employees Meet Their Potential Successful companies depend on employees meeting their potential.  What are the best ways to see this happen?  What role do employers play?  Tune in to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, as he digs deep and dialogues with host Dee Kovach on, “What is a “Kingdom Minded” company?" Let Mark inspire you to be bold in your faith as you learn to navigate the complexities of faith in the [...]

“Professional Employer Organizations” – Codi Gill on Tandem Radio

“Professional Employer Organizations” – Codi Gill on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 7th with our Featured Guest: Codi Gill of TriNet. Codi Napolitano Gill is a Regional Sales Consultant with TriNet, a National PEO. She helps CEO's, CFO's, COO's and Entrepreneurs contain HR costs, reduce their companies administrative burden, and minimize employer related risks. High Tech-High Touch solutions produce measurable results and enable clients to attract and retain top performers while focusing on their core business. ATTENTION [...]

Week 8 – Building a Kingdom Minded Company

Week 8 – Building a Kingdom Minded Company

Building a Kingdom Minded Company with Mark Griffin Week 8 - How to Hire the Best Candidates Every great company depends on a great team to make it all happen.  How do you find and hire the best candidates?  What are the best ways to bring the right people on board?  Tune in to Mark A. Griffin, Chief Consultant, as he digs deep and dialogues with host Dee Kovach on, “What is a “Kingdom Minded” company?" Let Mark inspire you to be bold in your faith as you learn to navigate the [...]

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