Thursday January 16th 2025

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“Hit Pause For Alignment” – Dan Bove on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, June 29th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Dan Bove, President of Pause Ministries, Part 1

This week on Tandem Radio, Dan Bove discusses his background in corporate America and provides insight on the deregulation of the telecommunication industry.  He also talks about his entrepreneurial achievement and how this all led him to Pause Ministries.

IMG_1127 - CopyDan Bove -Dan Bove is the President of Pause Ministries. The goal of Pause Ministries is to help men hit the “Pause” button on their lives. Encouraging them to align their faith walk and their life walk, taking the time to reflect on God and Life. Causing them to consider faith, family, work and relationships with the intention of bringing it all into spiritual alignment.  Since its inception in March, 2011 Pause has formed multiple small groups and established numerous accountability relationships that have help men to grow in their faith. Pause has a particular focus on men that are struggling with temptation, compulsivity and addiction. Prior to Pause, Dan had a successful business career spanning 25 + plus years in the Telecommunications and Employer Services industries, serving as a Sales, Marketing and Business Development executive at several Fortune 500 companies including ATT, ADP and ITT.  Dan resides in Basking Ridge NJ with his wife Debby. He has three grown children, Amy, Susan and Todd.

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