Thursday January 16th 2025

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“Entrepreneurs Did Build It”- Jordan Rickards on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, May 18th at 10:30 AM with our Featured Guest: Jordan Rickards, Attorney

This week on Tandem Radio, Jordan Rickards puts a little politics into his discussion with this segment titled, “Entrepreneurs Did Build It.” He delves into his business, his faith and brings insight to the show that our listeners will find fascinating and informative.

Jordan B. Rickards-Attorney Jordan B. Rickards has been practicing law for over eight years, and has handled over two thousand cases in the fields of criminal, civil, municipal, and family law.  Before starting his own practice, he worked for the Office of the Attorney General of New Jersey, the Superior Court of New Jersey, the United States District Court, and as an Assistant Prosecutor for the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office.  He graduated magna cum laude from Liberty University (B.S. History, 2001), and after scoring in the 95th percentile on his graduate boards, he accepted a $48,000 scholarship to the prestigious Washington & Lee University School of Law.  He graduated from Washington & Lee with honors in 2004.  Mr. Rickards is a member of Mensa and the Heritage Foundation, and has volunteered his time to Central Jersey Legal Services.  In addition, he is actively involved in politics, having been nominated by the North Brunswick Republican Organization to serve on the Township Council in 2009, by the Middlesex County Republican Organization to serve on the Board of Chosen Freeholders, and by the Middlesex and Somerset County Republican Organizations to serve in the State Senate.  He has been interviewed by the Home News, the Star Ledger, the Old Bridge Sentinel, and the North Brunswick Sentinel, and was endorsed by the Home News for the position of Freeholder in 2010.

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