Thursday January 16th 2025

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“Creative Writing for Business”- Karen Riley on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, May 4th with our Featured Guest: Karen Riley, of KFR Communications

This week on Tandem Radio we are repeating a show in memory of our dear friend, Karen Riley of KFR Communications. Karen passed away in April and while we are saddened to hear that news, we feel blessed and grateful to have met her. Karen’s spirit will live on in all the lives she touched. She will be remembered as a person who was filled with the joy of the Lord.  Karen will be missed but knowing how much she appreciated life and all the Lord’s blessings, it is with a heavy heart we try to find comfort in our loss by knowing there is joy in the Lord’s gain with Karen by his side. Enjoy this special show and be reminded of this special person, Karen Riley.

Karen Riley-Karen was a professional freelance writer who saw a need for improved content on the web and formed KFR Communications, LLC to fill that niche. She holds a B.S. in Business  Administration from Thomas Edison State College with a major in Small  Business Management and numerous  post-graduate courses in computer  science and web development.  Marrying her skill for computers with her  love of writing, she was a  “behind  the scenes” person at KFR who  handled the writing, coding, marketing  and bookkeeping for the  business. Staying abreast of the latest trends  in the industry, Karen helped develop a site that addressed the individual needs of the  client. She enjoyed working with clients and  brainstorming ways to improve their marketing in order to help them reach their goals.



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