Friday February 14th 2025

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“Writing for Business” – Karen Riley of KFR Communications on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, February 9th with our Featured Guest: Karen Riley, Published Writer and Founder of KFR Communications.

How can the written word help you accomplish your goals, especially in today’s world?  What impact can it have?  Karen Riley shares her thoughts with Glen Dalakian on Tandem Radio.

Karen Riley Karen is the founder of KFR Communications, LLC and enjoys helping companies establish what makes their products and services different from the competition and creates a demand for them in their target market.

She has over 30 years experience as a freelance writer for such publications as the Asbury Park Press and NJ Monthly, as well as being the author of four non-fiction books, one of which won an international silver IPPY award. She brings her writing experience and understanding of the importance of properly designed collateral materials in today’s marketplace as a unique niche.

Her 4th book – Healing in the Hurting Places – tells the story of how God has been healing her from childhood sexual abuse. It is also a ministry, where she speaks at churches and organizations to let victims know that they are not alone and provides resources and plants the seeds of healing that she hopes will lead to Christ or let victims deepen their relationship with Him.

Additionally, Karen has taught community education classes in website creation, marketing, utilizing search engines and more. She enjoys working with SCORE – a division of the Small Business Administration – counseling and educating new business owners on what they need to become successful enterprises. She draws from over 20 years experience in the corporate marketplace in seven different industries – sales, healthcare, technology, retail, journalism, finance and banking.

There is a strong motivation for her zest for Christ – KFR Communications did not start out as a Christian based company as Karen was not a believer at its inception. She feels God used the business and other events in her life at the time to break her and bring her to that place where Jesus was waiting to be accepted into her heart. She is in awe of the opportunities that God has provided for KFR Communications and hopes to continue to honor Him in all that she does.

For more information, visit


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