Thursday January 16th 2025

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“Favorite Business Scriptures” Glen Dalakian


Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, April 19th at 10:30 AM with Our Featured Guest: Glen Dalakian 



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Join your host, Glen J Dalakian, discussing his Favorite Business Scriptures.
Mr. Glen Dalakian, as an owner of multiple businesses, has decided to share some of his unique wisdom with us this Saturday. Be sure to tune in to hear Glen share some of his favorite business scriptures. 



Glen J. Dalakian has spent most of his life involved in Business.  He was raised in and around a family owned Dry Cleaning Operation that served more than 30 satellite locations throughout Essex County, NJ.  After attending Seton Hall University, Glen chose to reach out on his own and start a number of businesses that served the NJ/NY/CT Tri-State area.  He developed a variety of enterprises in the Electronics, Entertainment and Retail industries, generating millions of dollars in revenues and reaching the pinnacle of success, in each field, of his niche market operations.  Starting in 1996, while operating a number of traditional businesses, Glen traveled the country teaching and speaking to audiences of as many as 10,000 on Independent Business Ownership, Marketing and People Skills.  In addition Glen has consulted on numerous business projects to provide a refreshing and innovative perspective on Marketing and Operations for many companies.  He is currently a Trustee at Colts Neck Community Church and also serves there as a Deacon. His entrepreneurism has been highlighted as he is also the author of his own business column called “Business Matters”. Glen who is our host of Tandem Radio as well as the president of CSAV Systems, his involvement is always served with a purpose for all of his work is served under Christian values.  

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