Thursday January 16th 2025

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‘Health’ Archives

The Business of Health

The Business of Health

Tandem Radio, March 26th, 2011 Tandem Radio, April 16, 2011 With special guest Dr. James Proodian - Owner of the "Natural Healthcare Center" Natural Healthcare Center Open since 2003, Natural Healthcare Center is the embodiment of a truly integrated Health and Wellness center. Recognizing that health and wellness is not single dimensional, Dr. James Proodian has brought together the best in several healthcare disciplines that enable the patient to achieve optimum health, often [...]

The Business of Community

The Business of Community

Tandem Radio, March 26th, 2011 With special guest " Mrs. NJ" Claire Pavlinec " Mrs. NJ" Claire Pavlinec is the current reigning Mrs. NJ United States.  She is also the founder/director of "Maternal Wings", a nonprofit organization that helps to provide impoverished new & expectant mothers with the necessities for childcare.  Claire is also a stay at home mother of two while working on her Masters Degree in Education with a certification in Special [...]

Health: You Can’t Run a Business Without It

Health: You Can’t Run a Business Without It

Tandem Radio, November 6th 2010 Special guests Dr. James Proodian from Natural Healthcare Center joined us in studio to discuss the business of health and the importance of taking care of yourself  when your business pulls you away from a healthy life style. Dr. James Proodian, president and founder of Natural Healthcare Center is passionate about helping people achieve better health through natural methods by combining nutrition, exercise physiology, and education with his [...]

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