Thursday January 16th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘God’

TWO New Programs on Tandem Radio!

Tandem Radio Announces Two New Programs Focused on Health and Finance. This Fall, Tandem Radio is expanding its programming to focus on two relevant topics for every person - health and finance.  At 10:30 AM on Discovering Responsible Wealth, financial expert Frank Congilose of the Institute of Responsible Wealth will focus on our finances, helping us to manage well all that we've been given to live the life to which we're called.  Then, at 10:45 AM, Dr. James Proodian of Proodian [...]

“When Business and Faith Collyde” – Jinu Thomas of Collyde on Tandem Radio

“When Business and Faith Collyde” – Jinu Thomas of Collyde on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, September 8th at 11AM, with our Featured Guest: Jinu Thomas, Founder/CEO of Collyde. Everyone has a calling in their life.  How do we find and fulfill it?  Glen Dalakian and Jinu Thomas discuss these principles and how Jinu applied them in his journey with Collyde. Jinu Thomas - Jinu Thomas is the Founder/Chief Executive Officer of a Christ-centered Non-Profit Organization called Collyde, who's vision is to inspire, equip and support you to [...]

“The Cost of Healthcare” – JoAnn Corso, Founder & President of the United Miracles Network

“The Cost of Healthcare” – JoAnn Corso, Founder & President of the United Miracles Network

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, September 1st, with our Featured Guest: JoAnn Corso, Founder & President of the United Miracles Network. Who can understand our healthcare system?  What help is there for those in need?  Glen sits down with JoAnn Corso, Founder and President of the United Miracles Network, to help you navigate the healthcare world.  Come join us! JoAnn Corso - JoAnn is the Found & President of United Miracles Network (UMN). UMN helps pediatric and adult [...]

“Inner Beauty” – Claire Pavlinec & Ceylone Boothe-Grooms on Tandem Radio

“Inner Beauty” – Claire Pavlinec & Ceylone Boothe-Grooms on Tandem Radio

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, August 11th, with our Featured Guests: Claire Pavlinec, Mrs. New Jersey International 2012, and Ceylone Boothe-Grooms, Mrs. New Jersey America 2011. Where does true beauty lie?  What influence does the media and popular culture have, and what can men and women do to encourage one another?  We'll hear from Claire & Ceylone, as they share their experience in the pageant world and where real beauty lies. Claire Pavlinec - Claire currently [...]

“Industry Stereotypes” – Greg Webb of Ray Catena Lexus

“Industry Stereotypes” – Greg Webb of Ray Catena Lexus

Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, July 28st, with our Featured Guest: Greg Webb of Ray Catena Lexus. "You can't trust a used car salesman" ...or can you? Greg Webb, a consistent top producer with Ray Catena Lexus, challenges some of the stereotypes and discusses the importance of finding professionals you can really trust. Join Glen for a provacative discussion on "Industry Stereotypes" on Tandem Radio. Greg Webb - Greg has been with Ray Catena Lexus since the beginning in 1992. He [...]

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