Posts Tagged ‘Frank Congilose’
TWO New Programs on Tandem Radio!
Tandem Radio Announces Two New Programs Focused on Health and Finance. This Fall, Tandem Radio is expanding its programming to focus on two relevant topics for every person - health and finance. At 10:30 AM on Discovering Responsible Wealth, financial expert Frank Congilose of the Institute of Responsible Wealth will focus on our finances, helping us to manage well all that we've been given to live the life to which we're called. Then, at 10:45 AM, Dr. James Proodian of Proodian [...]
“Responsible Wealth” – Frank Congilose on Tandem Radio
Tandem Radio on the Bridge FM Saturday, August 25th, with our Featured Guest: Frank Congilose, President of The Institute of Responsible Wealth. What do we make wise financial decisions? What about debt? How can we make the best of what God has given us? Frank Congilose of the Institute of Responsible Wealth brings some fantastic insights on Tandem Radio. Frank Congilose is the President of the Institute of Responsible Wealth, which is defined by one unifying principle, the [...]